horror hotel room, hotel voyeur, tableau style, short film, moving image, cinematography
horror hotel room, hotel voyeur, tableau style, short film, moving image, cinematography
horror hotel room, hotel voyeur, tableau style, short film, moving image, cinematography
horror hotel room, hotel voyeur, tableau style, short film, moving image, cinematography
horror hotel room, hotel voyeur, tableau style, short film, moving image, cinematography

Room 431: The aftermath - In room 431 what we witness is a man surrounded by plastic bags covering the majority of the floors, furniture and walls. The man is

Room 38: The dominatrix - In room 38 what we see is a dominatrix, she looks like she is getting ready for something, either an event or a date with

Room 42: The golden briefcase. - In room 42 what we will see is a man preparing to receive a briefcase of importance. When entering the room he checks to see

Room 502: Th unidentified man - In room 502 we see what looks like an elderly man, they place their suitcase on the bed before closing the curtains in the room.

Room 109: The lovers - In room 109 what we witness are two women in love who are unable to share their love in the outside world, the only place

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