ENIGMA Poster - A poster for promoting the motion comic; both online and printed for degree show

LEK Veerachon - A very private person high school boy who is going to enter an art university but accidentally met strange phenomena before his interview...

The Entities - Strange creatures in another dimension which shaped from Lek's anxiety. Each have power related to various forms of pressure

Teacher Gang - A group of teachers that appear on Lek's interviewing day. They look familiar in some way...

ENIGMA Chapter 1/4 | Thesis Motion Comic - The 1st version of the motion comic (only chapter 1) published on YouTube. Fixed & completed version will come later (For TikTok version please follow tiktok.com/@enigmacomic)

Comic Layers - At first place, this is a guideline for interactive web-comic creator. Before become a layout for my animating

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