Image of two screens mounted on a white plinth in a white space. The screens are encased in a clear acrylic box. You can see one of the screens showing the FaceBOT Twitter profile.
Image of two screens mounted on a white plinth in a white space. The screens are encased in a clear acrylic box. You can clearly see the chain that locks the acrylic box to the plinth.
Close up image of lock and chain attached to clear acrylic box and white plinth.
Image showing two screens back to back, encased in a clear acrylic box which is locked to a white plinth in a white space.
Image of a screen encased inside of a clear acrylic box, on top of a white plinth. On the screen is a line drawing of a face with the words 'loading' underneath. There is a red button attached to the plinth which users can press during their interaction with the installation.
Image taken over the shoulder of a person who is pressing a button on the side of a white plinth. On this plinth sits a screen on which you can see the persons face. The display of their face is partially covered by a green calibration animation.

FaceBOX FaceBOT - View of FaceBOX FaceBOT interactive installation showing the social media screen

FaceBOX FaceBOT - FaceBOX FaceBOT installation side profile.

FaceBOX FaceBOT - Close up of locking system used to distance users from their data.

FaceBOX FaceBOT - Side view of FaceBOX FaceBOT installation.

FaceBOX FaceBOT - Interactive screen from FaceBOX FaceBOT installation

FaceBOX FaceBOT - User interacting with FaceBOT FaceBOX installation

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