I abbreviated my name to look like a snake. The texture of the scales I used to use is more publicized, so that the scales of the snake
my first work is to face fear directly through the eyes. So I modeled a spider. But I don't know what part is the most wonderful. When I went on, I could find that their feet were very flexible and the most important part of
my first work is to face fear directly through the eyes. So I modeled a spider. But I don't know what part is the most wonderful. When I went on, I could find that their feet were very flexible and the most important part of
Every part of scorpion's body can be focused on. I want to make a ring if the scorpion can move, because the scorpion's sense of line can be displayed on the hand. Hand movement can coordinate with scorpion's body rhythm. Because of the complex structure of scorpions, I watched a documentary about scorpions. After the conclusion, I divided the scorpion into four parts. The head and body are parts, and the ring serves as a link between the head and body. The chain connects all the parts in series. The final result is a movable effect.    报错 笔记双语对照

Lighting Snake.(brass,14cm x 7.5cm) - This earring is the abbreviation of my name. The details, texture, shape and texture treatment make me feel its hidden beauty that is not understood

Spider patch.(brass,zircon,25cm x 10cm) - This spider eye patch has feet that move, and our eyes can face our fears.

Spider patch.(brass,zircon,25cm x 10cm) - This spider eye patch has feet that move, and our eyes can face our fears.

Bouncing Scorpions(silver,brass,iron, 10cmx 3.5cm) -

Spider patch.(brass,zircon) -

Bouncing Scorpions(silver,brass,iron) -

Bouncing Scorpions(silver,brass,iron) -

Lighting Snake.(brass) -

Lighting Snake.(brass) -

Spider patch.( brass,zircon) -

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