Column Detail - Manipulation of the classical column to now work for the community. Now being used for bike parking, with metal lock attached to the column, wearing it down with every use.

Detailed Section - Building trust through occupying needs. Avoidance to dreaded walkways, now choosing the community tinkering zones. Storming stage for developed communities

Orchestrating People - The Journey: [A] Building trust through occupying needs [B] Avoidance to dreaded walkways, now choosing the community tinkering zones [C] Storming stage for developed communities

Column Encasing - Design Development: Manipulation of the classical column to now work for the community. Now being used for bike parking, with metal lock attached to the column, wearing it down with every use.

Material Exploration - Design Development: Looking at how people unite over seeing flaws in perfect things. Marble being worn by the copper

Life of the Jean - Concept Development: Exploration of how material store memory through its marks, showing evidence of how and who it was used by.

Interior Analysis - Site Analysis: Looking at how one drifts into the building, and this exploration of finding abandoned spaces and objects.

Psychogeography - James Cond Building: Undergoing a process of a digital 'derive' Looking at this avoidance to larger main roads, and being drawn to the smaller hidden paths that lead one into these liminal spaces.

Communities - Research: Examining how communities are formed and what drives their force, Alongside understanding the challenge of growth within formed groups.

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