Food growing as medium to slow down - The concept evolved around the idea of a gradual transition between food growing systems, from civic and accessible spaces towards naturalistic and wild areas, implying an increasing understanding of the natural processes.

The food growing experience "Linear to biomorphic" - From the linearity of the orchard trees, the journey continues through the pick-your-own fields, which play the central feature of the park and mark the transition towards more explorative and nature-led spaces

Greenhouse to orchard transition - Innovative greenhouse structures, a cooking school and roof vegetable gardens, challenge our perception of urban agriculture and invite for an exploration of the park, by following the orchard tree paths.

View through the productive spaces - A glance from the orchard path, gives the viewer a sense of the park rationale, where the hard path borders and the geometric shape of the fields fade away into an apparent wilder background.

Planting character: from civic to wild - Orchards, vibrant edible flower beds, herbaceous borders, ranging from brighter to softer tones, a ‘prairie-like’ meadow and a productive woodland, create a journey where one’s senses are gradually stimulated.

The wild landscape - Meandering herbaceous paths heighten the transition to a boundary-less, open meadow, inviting to a journey of deeper reconnection with the natural processes, eventually ending in a productive woodland.

Productive spaces - Detail plan showing the transition between the pick-your-own fields and the community vegetable gardens, separated by a 5-meter-high mound, that creates a micro-climate. Detail section showing the irrigation system for the fields.

Port Loop - spaces - A series of snapshots illustrate the journey through the site, from the wharf, towards social, active and productive spaces, ending with expansive views at the roof top level.

Fast-food, slow feeding’ vision - This project challenges the current paradigm of fast-food consumption by reimagining a new reality, where nutritious, healthy, local-sourced food is available at everyone’s step door, promoting well-being through a slower lifestyle.

Port Loop - reimagining the garden city - Considering the principles of the garden city, this project proposes a new life for the Port Loop, one that creates generous, diversified spaces for public at ground level and for residents at the roof top level.

Concept development from city to site scale - Working across scales, from the wider context of Birmingham to the chosen project location, I have adopted the concept of 'Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes' as the framework for my design at the strategic level.

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