(Top) The street survey drawing reveals Lombard Streets fruitful co-existence with an Brass founders, Nightclub and MOT Garage occupying the street. (Bottom Left) By interrogating the the block throughout time, the fast changing nature of Highgate can be acknowledged. (Bottom Right) Further survey of the yard revealed existing site conditions to manifest within the proposal.

The Entrance - The Entrance takes reference from Casa Girasole threshold, and existing site structural arrangements to influence the primary form

Casa Girasole (Luigi Moretti), Case Study - An in-depth case study undertaken to investigate bricolage and economy of means, of which were translated into the context of Highgate.

Site Investigations - Close site observations resulted in various survey drawings for Lombard Street and the yard concerned with this Thesis.

The Pinch-point - An existing site condition informing the structural approach, involving the column and beam, within the proposed scheme.

Concept Models - Various model making to explore formal arrangements within the garden, and material consideration for the proposal

Embedding Traces, The MOT Garage - Printmaking patterns utilised within representations to embed traces of life inhabiting Lombard Street at present.

Proposed Plan - Communicating a permanent garden within the left-over space. Making temporary moments on site temporal, alongside ideas of claiming other, leftover spaces to inhabit.

The Portal - Making a temporary moment existing on the Nightclub permanent to engage interaction within the proposal.

The Greenhouse, Sectional Perspective - For maintenance of the garden, the structure allows rainwater collection to harvest within the site, whilst providing a shelter for work.

The Ruin - With the intention for a temporal yard, the proposal seeks to exist with characteristics of Lombard Street, whilst its surroundings may change.

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