'The Digital Saviour: How has Social Media facilitated a network of support for women suffering domestic violence in Kuwait?' - Major Project - Dissertation - The main inspiration was the Major Project - Dissertation titled, "The Digital Saviour", which answered the question, "How has social media facilitated a network of support for women suffering domestic violence in Kuwait?". This research discovered that cultural factors; taboo and protecting family's honour and reputation, took precedence over the safety and security of women.

Independent Final Project - 'Protect ME' Collaboration Document - Collaboration with creatives and industry professionals to design the logo, branding, website design and illustrations

Independent Final Project - 'Protect ME' Creative Outcomes Document

Independent Final Project - 'Protect ME' Business Plan Document - Detailing the business concept; marketing and PR methods and financial forecasts

Protect ME Launch Video - One of the Creative Outcomes.

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